Track & Manage Your Items with E-Warranty

We help you manage and track your items that can boost your productivity while making the shipment more secure.

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Simple step. Big productivity.

You can track, send and receive your shipment with detailed receipt of items to minimizing error and securing the delivery with just a few steps

You can identify and look at the detailed description of an items with just one scan. There’s no need to manually identifying your items anymore.

You can manage and track an items while looking at the detailed description. No need to worries about which is which anymore, just search through!

Forget about the due or expired date. We will notify you when an item are about to due. You can claim the warranty too if an item is broken or not received.

Modern problem requires modern solution.

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Secured Items and Shipment

Shipment and items is more secure and trackable with detailed description and receipt. You won’t get a wrong item or even lost your item!

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Manage your inventory

Your inventory list will be organized and easy to manage. Different items and due date will be separated make it easier you won’t even have to search for it!

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Scan everything

Items detail description and shipment won’t be burden. Just by scanning, everything will be shown to you even when you don’t have the items!


So.. What must i do?

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Download The App

You can find and download our app on Google Play Store to enjoy the benefit of the app. If you want, you can check the review of the app too.

Create An Account

Create an account that represent you or your business in order to build a connection with others. Your business friend will be able to look for you!

Start Managing!

Congratulations! You can start making shipment or managing your inventory with just a simple step. Remember, this app will make your organizing items easier!

Download Now and Start Managing!

Enjoy your time to manage and organize your inventory with E-Warranty. Managing can’t never be easier!

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